What Valves To Be Used In The Sugar Industry

A common commodity, sugar is utilized in the food business as well as in the production of ethanol fuel. However, harsh conditions and continuous production are often required in the techniques used to extract sugar from grain, sugar cane, or sugar beet. For high productivity and high uptime, this necessitates valves that offer consistent, trustworthy performance. Because of this, sugar processing facilities all over the world depend on Valmet's flow management to maintain the efficiency of their operations.
Conditions for sugar processing call for valves that can handle erosive slurry, solid sugar crystals, dirty/viscous medium, steam, and caustic chemicals. In order to guarantee maximum dependability, uninterrupted operation, and extended lifespan during the sugar production season, JONLOO valve solutions are produced for the processing of sugar. From juice extraction to filtration, clarification, evaporation, crystallization, centrifugation, and refining, our valves are made to last the full sugar production process. JONLOO valves are optimized for the entire sugar production process.
Which types of valves are best suited for the sugar industry? The harsh conditions of sugar production call for durable, accurate, and reliable valves. The'sugar' valves have to be able to handle erosive slurry fluids, caustic and corrosive chemicals, and continuous operation under high temperatures. High performance, corrosion-resistant valves offer excellent dependability and efficiency, resulting in high uptime and an extremely extended service life. Valmet's valves are an economical way to handle sugar.
The most widely used valve in the starch and sugar mill industries is the butterfly valve. We provide a range of butterfly valves to meet various requirements, including metal sealing butterfly valves for high temperature and high pressure applications, EPT/PTFE seat butterfly valves for everyday use, and dampers for low pressure applications.
Resilient seated butterfly valves from JONLOO are specially made to work reliably in high cycle services like centrifuges, juice heaters, and vacuum pans that require ZERO leakage in the sugar refinery.
JONLOO high-performance valves are made specifically for the sugar sector. These valves are designed to handle a variety of media, including steam isolation and control, high temperature condensate, and slurry mud. JONLOO Butterfly Valves guarantee low cost automation, simple field maintenance, and ZERO leakage performance.
JONLOO Ball Valves for the Sugar Industry
Ball valves are widely used in the sugar and starch milling industries. To fulfill a variety of applications, we offer full bore and segment ball valves. Full bore ball valves have a channel inner diameter that matches the inner diameter of the pipeline, which reduces fluid resistance and makes cleaning the pipeline easier. The segment ball valve with the V-shaped sharp ball can effectively cut through viscous liquids and regulate the flow rate by varying the opening size.
JONLOO Knife Gate Valves for the Sugar Industry
JONLOO has created special solutions in addition to conventional knife gate valve solutions to prolong the service life of valves in demanding sugar industry applications. Purge ports are one option; in receivers and crystallizers, for example, if the media tends to dewater, harden, or accumulate in the seat region, these ports can be utilized to flush the media. JONLOO knife gate valves have deflection cones that can be utilized to reroute suspended solid sugar crystal flow toward the bore's center and away from the seat. By doing this, the seat and gate's service life is extended, guaranteeing continuous operation throughout the sugar industry's output season.
JONLOO Control Valves for Sugar Refining
For accurate control and dependable on/off service in clean media applications and abrasive slurry management in the sugar processing industry, JONLOO control valves are the perfect choice. We provide two types of glove control valves: Teflon-lined control valves for corrosive applications like caustic soda, sulfuric acid, waste water, alcohol, salt water, and other media, and single seat control valves with soft seats or metal seats for typical media like water, oil, gas, and steam.
Some of the important features are the liner's ability to withstand high velocity and the highest level of abrasion found in the sugar industry, the drive train protection that stops media from entering the stem area and causing jamming problems, the self-cleaning action of the seat and segment design that prevents media buildup in the valve internals, and the valves' ability to be maintained in the field with few spare parts.