The Maintenance of Valves

The Maintenance of Valves

All valves require inspection and periodic maintenance prior to being placed into service and at regular intervals.  Leaks should be repaired as soon as   
they are discovered in order to maintain optimum performance and also to prevent more serious damage to the valve. The recommended maintenance
schedule is tabulated below in Table.

Area Purpose         Procedure Frequency
Body Prevention of leakage and improper action. Visual check of seating surface and gasket contact surface for damage.  At the time leak is detected or every four (4) years. 
Disc Prevention of leakageat seat and improper action. 
Visual check of seating surface for damage. 

At the time leak is detected or every four (4) years. 
Stem, PackingWasher& Gland
Prevention of Stem and packing leakage and improper action. Visual check for scoring and seizing, especiallyalong sliding surfaces of stem and packing.  At the time leak is detected or every four (4) years. 
Bolts &Nuts 

Ensure proper tightness of joints. 
Check for tightening force or retightening. 
At the time looseness is detected or everyfour (4) years.
Prevention of leakageand improper action. 
Check the Gland bolt for looseness and retighten as necessary.Replace packing. 
At the time of leak or every two(2) years. 
Prevention of leakage
Check the nuts and bolts for looseness. Retighten as required. Replace the gasket. 
At the time of leak or every two(2) years. 
Seal Ring 
Prevention of leakage
Check nuts and bolt for looseness and retighten as necessary.Replace SealRing 
At the time of leak or every two(2) years. 

Occasionally, valve age, type of service or other factors may result in problems such as packing leakage, Body-Bonnet/Cover joint leakage, seat leakage
or loss of  operation smoothness.  The troubleshooting chart presented in the following Table lists typical problems and methods for resolving them.  It
should be noted that this chart does not present all possible problems and all possible solutions and is not a substitute for regular periodic maintenance.
It does, however, list the most common problems that can be encountered and the repair procedure that will most likely return the valve to its proper
operational  condition.

                                                                                    Troubleshooting Chart 
Problem  Cause  Repair Procedure 
 Packing  Leakage 
Worn Packing  
Stem Damage  
Stuffing Box Damage 
Tighten Packing  
Replace Packing  
Repair or Replace Stem 
Repair Stuffing Box 
Body-Bonnet/ Cover JointLeakage 
Insufficient Bolting Tightness  
Gasket Worn or Damaged 

Check Bolting Torque  
Replace Gasket 
 Seat Leakage  Damaged Seating Surfaces  Lap Disc and Seat Ring 
 Stem Binding 
Insufficient Lubrication  
Packing Too Tight  
Damaged Stem Threads  
Damaged Sleeve 
 Lubricate Stem  
Adjust or Replace Packing  
Repair or Replace Stem  
Repair or Replace Sleeve 
 Valve Seat  Leakage when  fully closed  Differential pressure is larger than design condition
Inadequate method of stopping valve 
Damage to valve seating  surfaces 
Decrease differential pressure Change method of stopping valve
Change method of stopping valve  
Disassemble valve and lap   seating surfaces 
  Seat Leakage 
Damaged Seating Surfaces 
Lap Disc and Seat Ring 
 Motor does  not start  operation Wrong electric power supply    source or low voltage 
Damage to motor due to  buring, Disconnection of wire    and deterioration of insulation

Differential pressure is larger than design condition 
Change to proper electric       power supply source 
Exchange motor 

Decrease differential  pressure 
 Motor stops  during middle  of opening or  closing  operation  Improper lubrication of threaded of stem 
Galling in threaded part of stem 
Galling or foreign matter in sliding parts inside of valve 
Clean up threaded part and     apply grease 
Lap engagement of threads   or replace stem and stem  nut
Disassemble valve, inspect    and repair the sliding part


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