Soft Seated or Metal Seated Ball Valves?

Soft Seated or Metal Seated Ball Valves?

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The key advantage of metal seated valves when compared to soft seated valves is that they can withstand high temperatures and severe service conditions.

Metal seats can stand up to extreme flashing, hydraulic shock, abrasive process fluid, and high temperatures up to and exceeding 1,000° F. They are also ideal for high erosion or corrosion applications.

Another important factor is that metal seats can be hardened by specialized coatings.

Soft Seated Ball Valves

Soft seats are typically composed of thermoplastic components like PTFE. These valves are appropriate for applications in which chemical compatibility is crucial, and in situations where having the tightest seal is important.

Soft seats, however, aren't suitable for processing abrasive or dirty fluids. These valves are known to break down under conditions like these, resulting in a leaky valve. Complications introduced by soft seated valves are related to the fact that they don’t stand up to applications that challenge their service limits.

Metal seated ball values on the other hand can hold up under high temperatures and extreme service conditions. Well established in the field, metal seated ball valves deliver uninterrupted service with the maximum shut off standards.

The valves also work for longer time periods than soft seated valves. These durable valves can basically handle the majority of abrasive applications.

Metal Seated Valves Coating Options

With metal to metal seating, and depending on the service conditions, applying various coatings make it possible for ball and seat rings to be hard faced on sealing locations.

Examples of these specialized coatings include satellite hard facing, chromium carbide, tungsten carbide and electrolysis nickel plating. Sealing is achieved by the metal-to-metal contact in between two hard coated surface areas.

Metal-Seated Ball Valve Costs

Even though metal seated valves are more expensive, the cost of downtime resulting from failure, coupled with the replacement of soft seated valve break downs, should be factored in. The efficiency and longevity of metal seated ball valves will pay off and counteract the higher price. Bottom line, metal seated ball valves are the best, long lasting, economical options for critical applications.

Recognizing your process condition is critical when it comes to choosing the appropriate seat for your specific application.

If you determine that the best solution is metal seated ball valves you’ll find them to be long lasting, cost effective solutions for critical applications.

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