LCB Ball Valve China factory | JONLOO

LCB Ball Valve Trunnion Mounted 300lb 6inch

Key Specifications / Features

Model No.: Hits: 17

China Ball Valve Manufacturer JONLOO supplies Carbon Steel Ball Valve for low temperature service, including LCC/LCB/LC1/LC2/LC3/LC4.
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Detail Information

The trunnion ball valve is distinguished from floating ball valve by having a fixed shaft on the bottom in appearance. It is used with split-body large size valves.Trunnion Design is simply the use of upper and lower supports to retain the ball under pressure. A ball valve trunnion essentially increases the safety and usability of a ball valve.  

Class Rating:300LB
Body/Bonnet:A352 LCB
Ball: SS316
Stem: A182 F316
Seat: PTFE
Full Bore
Worm Gear Operation

Design and Manufacture: API 6D
Face To Face: ASME B16.10
Flanged Ends: ASME B16.5
Test And Inspection: API 598

Reduced port or full port design
Two piece split body or three piece bolted body
With trunnion mounted ball
Blow-out proof stem, Anti-staic,
Optional locking device or stem extension,
Optional direct mounting to ISO 5211

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