Inflatable seated butterfly valve | JONLOO

Inflatable Seated Butterfly Valve

Key Specifications / Features

Model No.: Hits: 12

China butterfly valve manufacturer JONLOO supplies inflatable seated butterfly valve, which is designed to use air pressure to expand the seat against the disc, providing even pressure distribution for a bubble-tight seal every time.
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Detail Information

This inflatable seated butterfly valve design uses air pressure to expand the seat against the disc, providing even pressure distribution for a bubble-tight seal, every time. Because the seat makes only casual contact with the disc during valve opening and closing, there is minimal disc inpingement. This is in contrast to covenitional butterfly valves where disc impingement leads to shaving of the seat, decreasing the overall performance and valve life.

Substantially less torque is required to open and close the butterfly valve, thus a smaller actuator can be used resulting in lower overall valve cost.

Main Performance Features
  • Inflatable seat compensates for disc and seat wear
  • Longer valve life
  • Minimal seat wear
  • No disc impingement
  • Ultra-low torque requirements
  • Lower actuator costs
  • Double shaft seals


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